General Terms and Conditions

Thank you for using our products and services.

Diese allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (im Folgenden als Geschäftsbedingungen bezeichnet) regeln den Zugang und die Nutzung der Software und Dienstleistung der IT-Beratung Eduard Steinmiller. Dieser Vertrag wird zwischen Ihnen (im Folgenden auch als Benutzer, Käufer, Kunde oder Lizenznehmer bezeichnet) und der IT-Beratung Eduard Steinmiller (im Folgenden als Verkäufer, Evorim, Lizenzgeber, wir oder uns bezeichnet) geschlossen. If you are acting on behalf of a organisation, you must conclude this contract for this organisation.

A. General Terms And Conditions Of Sale

§ 1 Offer and conclusion of contract

(1) The order you make through our online shop is a binding offer. We can accept this offer within two weeks by sending an order confirmation or send the ordered software within this period.

(2) Vertragsschluss : Der Vertragsabschluss entsteht, wenn Sie im Webshop nachfolgende Schritte durchführen.

  • Sie wählen eine angebotene Softwarelizenz im Webshop aus und fügen diese zum Warenkorb hinzu.
  • Sie geben unter dem Warenkorb Ihre Rechnungsanschrift an.
  • Sie akzeptieren die AGB durch anklicken der Checkbox.
  • Sie klicken auf die Schaltfläche : Order now

Bei fehlerhaften Angaben, die Sie während der Bestellung gemacht haben, können Sie den Verkäufer nachträglich um eine Korrektur bitten. Nutzen Sie hierfür die im Impressum angegebenen Kontaktmöglichkeiten.

(3) Vertragstexte : Die bei dem Vertragsabschluss einsehbaren Vertragstexte (AGB, Widerrufsbelehrung, Verkaufsbedingungen und Lizenzvertrag) werden bei Vertragsabschluss beim Verkäufer gespeichert. Der Käufer sollte die Vertragstexte vor oder während des Vertragsabschlusses über seinen Webbrowser ausdrucken. Der Käufer kann eine Kopie dieser Vertragstexte innerhalb eines Jahres nach Vertragsabschluss beim Verkäufer anfordern. Nutzen Sie hierfür die im Impressum angegebenen Kontaktmöglichkeiten.

(4) Vertragssprache : Sowohl für das Angebot als auch für den Vertragsabschluss wird ausschließlich Deutsch als Sprache angeboten. Jegliche Übersetzungen der Geschäftsbedingungen, der Verkaufsbedingungen oder der Lizenzverträge in andere Sprachen dienen lediglich als hilfestellende Information. Liegen unterschiede zwischen dem deutschen Vertragstext und den Übersetzungen vor, dann ist der deutsche Vertragstext maßgebend.

(5) Cancellation and refund : Consumers enjoy a 14-day right of cancellation within the EU. When purchasing Software and Services, the money paid is refunded in accordance with legal regulations. In addition, no refund will be offered.

§ 2 Submitted documents

We reserve the right to property and copyright in all documents handed over to you in connection with the assignment of the order. These documents may not be made available to third parties, unless we give you our express written consent. If we do not accept the offer from you within the time limit of § 1, these documents must be returned to us without delay.

§ 3 Subject of the contract and terms of service

(1) Gegenstand dieses Kaufvertrages ist die Software aus unserem Online-Shop.

(2) The terms and conditions for use of the software are laid down in the respective software license agreement. The license agreement is part of the purchase agreement and is listed below.

(3) All conditions of the other side are rejected, which are not expressly approved.

(4) The installation and maintenance of the software is not subject to this contract.

(5) The user is provided with the user manual in digital form as online documentation.

§ 4 Prices and payment

(1) The listed prices represent the final prices to be paid.

(2) VAT is shown during the order process and is dependent on your country of origin (recipient country), commercial activity and legal special arrangements. Delivery and shipping costs, for non-physical goods, are included in our prices, unless stated separately. Für Bestellungen in Deutschland entfällt die Umsatzsteuer gemäß §19 UStG für gewerbliche und private Käufer.

(3) When ordering on account or payment in advance, the payment of the purchase price has to be made exclusively on the bank account specified in the invoice. The deduction of cash discount for prompt payment is only permissible with a written special agreement.

(4) Unless otherwise agreed, the purchase price is payable within 10 days of delivery. Interest on arrears will be charged at a rate of 5% above the respective base rate (Bundesbank ). The assertion of a higher damage caused by late payment remains reserved. In we claim a higher arrears, you have the opportunity to prove to us that the claimed arrears is not at all or at least substantially lower.

(5) When you buy on account, you accept an electronically sent invoice as valid. The required amount must be paid within 10 days of receipt.

(6) Discounts vouchers cannot be combined.

§ 5 Privacy

Die bei dem Bestellungsvorgang übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben, auch nicht verkauft oder Dritten zugänglich gemacht.

§ 6 Delivery time

(1) Unless an explicitly binding delivery date has been agreed, our delivery dates are exclusively non-binding.

(2) The commencement of the delivery time stated by us requires the timely and proper fulfillment of the obligations by you. ---.

(3) You can ask 4 weeks after exceeding a non-binding delivery date/time of delivery in writing us to deliver within a reasonable period of time. Should we fail to meet an explicit delivery date or a delivery period, or if we are in default for a different reason, you must set a reasonable period of time for us to effect the service. If we let the grace period expire without success, you are entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract.

(4) If you are in default of acceptance or if you are guilty of other cooperation obligations, we shall be entitled to demand compensation for the damage incurred, including any additional charges. We reserve the right to make further claims. It is for the customer's own responsibility to prove that a damage of the requested amount has not occurred at all or at least substantially lower. The risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the purchased goods shall be transferred to you at the time when the customer is in default of acceptance or default.

(5) Further legal claims and rights of the customer due to a delay in delivery shall remain unaffected.

§ 7 Warranty

(1) Insofar as the information contained in our brochures, advertisements and other offer documents are not expressly designated as binding by us, the illustrations or drawings contained therein are only approximate.

(2) Ist der Käufer ein Unternehmer, dann verpflichtet er sich, die erworbene Software unverzüglich nach Erhalt auf offensichtliche Mängel zu überprüfen. Wird ein offensichtlicher Mangel erkannt, ist dieser unverzüglich dem Verkäufer mitzuteilen. Kommt der Käufer dieser Verpflichtung nicht nach, dann wird die Gewährleistung auf die solche offensichtlichen Mängel ausgeschlossen. Sollte sich zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ein solcher Mangel zeigen, dann gilt die obige Verpflichtung zur unverzügliche Mitteilung, andernfalls wird auch hier die Gewährleistung ausgeschlossen.

(3) If the delivered item does not have the condition agreed between you and us, we offer you a supplementary performance. This does not apply if we are entitled to refuse the supplementary performance due to legal regulations.

(4) You can choose initially whether the remedy should be by rectification of defects or a replacement delivery. However, we are entitled to refuse the type of supplementary performance you have chosen, if it is only possible with disproportionate costs and the other type of supplementary performance remains without significant disadvantages for you. During the supplementary performance the reduction of the purchase price or the rescission of the contract by you are excluded. A repair is considered as unsuccessful if the second attempt failed, unless the nature of the cause or the defect or the other circumstances is different. If the supplementary performance has failed, or if we have refused the supplementary performance as a whole, you may demand a reduction of the purchase price or declare the rescission of the contract.

(5) Claims for damages due to a defect can not be asserted if the supplementary performance has failed or we have refused the supplementary performance.

(6) Gewährleistungsansprüche, mit der Ausnahme von Schadenersatzansprüchen, verjähren innerhalb von zwei Jahren, wenn diese auf Sachmängel basieren. Ist der Käufer kein Verbraucher, dann beträgt die Gewährleistungsfrist ein Jahr. Die Verjährung beginnt mit der Zusendung der Lizenzen, Lizenzschlüssel und Download-Adressen für die Software per E-Mail an den Käufer.

§ 8 Gesetzliche Regulierung und rechtlicher Geltungsbereich

Die Entwicklung und Verbreitung von Software, Produkten und Dienstleistungen unterliegt nicht dem freien Markt, sondern unterliegt gesetzlichen und regulatorischen Bestimmungen. Als Unternehmen mit Sitz in Deutschland unterliegen wir dem deutschen und europäischen Recht. Die angebotenen Software-Produkte und Dienstleistungen richten sich an Kunden aus Deutschland und der Europäischen Union. (1) Benutzer innerhalb Europäischen Union müssen in ihrem Anwendungsbereich eigenständig sicherstellen, dass sie die Software-Produkte und Dienstleistungen nutzen dürfen. (2) Benutzer und Kunden außerhalb von Deutschland oder der Europäischen Union müssen in ihrem Land oder rechtlichen Anwendungsbereich eigenständig sicherstellen, dass sie die Software-Produkte und Dienstleistungen nutzen oder in Anspruch nehmen dürfen. Das Unternehmen Evorim schließt jegliche Haftung und Schadensersatz aus, wenn Software-Produkte oder Dienstleistungen außerhalb der Europäischen Union gegen existieren Gesetze verstoßen. (3) Zukünftige Änderungen oder die Einführung von Gesetzen, Verordnungen und Vorschriften innerhalb der Europäischen Union können die angebotenen Software-Produkte und Dienstleistungen einschränken oder verbieten. Vertragliche Verpflichtungen und Zusicherungen aus den Geschäftsbedingungen oder der Lizenzvereinbarung dürfen dann womöglich vom Unternehmen Evorim nicht mehr ausgeführt werden. Wir schließt jeglichen Schadensersatz aus, sofern Software-Produkte oder Dienstleistungen in Teilen oder als Ganzes eingestellt werden. Etwaige zukünftige Einschränkungen, die Benutzer und Kunden betreffen, werden auf der Evorim-Startseite, der jeweiligen Software-Produktseite oder im Evorim-Blog kund getan. (4) Regulatorische Institutionen oder Aufsichtsstellen können einen Verbot oder einen Rückruf von vermarkteten Software-Produkten und Dienstleistungen innerhalb der Europäischen Union verordnen. Sofern Sie uns eine E-Mail-Adresse hinterlassen, werden wir versuchen Sie zu informieren. Bei einem Verbot oder einen Rückruf, der auf Weisung regulatorischer Institutionen, Aufsichtsstellen oder Dritter geschieht, schließen wir den Schadensersatz aus.

§ 9 Governing Law

(1) This agreement and the entire legal relations of the parties are governed by the law of Germany under the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

(2) If any provision of these terms and conditions, a future in it recorded provision or a provision of the contract completely or partially ineffective or unenforceable, or the feasibility or later lose effectiveness, should not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In place of the ineffective provisions, the statutory provisions shall apply.

(3) As the court of jurisdiction is Karlsruhe, Germany is agreed.

§ 10 Entire agreement

This contract and the general terms and conditions of business contain all the agreements reached by the Parties between which the contract is concluded, to the displayed processes and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, written or oral communications and agreements. Modifications or additions to these General Terms and Conditions may only be made in writing.

Kraichtal, 01.01.2024

B. End User License Agreement

With the download, installation or use of this software, as well as the disclosure to third parties, you accept this license agreement.

Important note: Please read this End User License Agreement carefully and make sure that you have understood all the provisions before you accept the license agreement. Provided that you agree to all the terms of the license agreement, the owner and author Eduard Steinmiller (hereinafter referred to as "licensor") grants you (hereinafter referred to as "user") a right to use the software product (hereinafter referred to as "software") or services (hereinafter referred to as "services"). If you do not agree to all of these terms, please click in this case on a button to cancel the installation and do not use this software.

The Privacy Policy describes why, how and which data and information are gathered.


§1 Copyright

(1) The software is protected by law and intellectual property of the author. All components of the software, the documentation, as well as the design are protected by copyright laws. Except the listed rights, the contract grants no rights to the intellectual property of this software. The software and all copies are the property of the licensor. In particular, all files that are shipped with the software, as well as the structure and design.

(2) This software contains works of third parties, which are integrated as Free Open Source Software (FOSS) components. Third party open source software is subject to its own copyright and is licensed for use within that software. The individual license texts can be found in the manual, the online documentation and in the installation directory. If you are granted a right from the license of an open source software which you would like to exercise, please write us an email . Please indicate which open source component you are referring to and which right granted from the FOSS license you wish to exercise. Nutzen Sie die nachfolgende E-Mail-Adresse :

§2 Software license

Provided that you agree to the license agreement, the licensor grants you a non-exclusive and revocable right to install and use the software in an admissible number and in compliance with the license terms.

(1) The right to use a license in their scope may not be divided between different end user or be distributed separately. The use of the software may only be made on a maximum of the number of computer systems specified in the license. According to usage, the install of the software or the loading of binary files in the working memory, is understood.

(2) All transferred data for the software for product activation, as License Key or Product Key must not be communicated, disseminated, disclosed or distributed. On a computer, activated license once verified automatically via the Internet. If there is no internet connection, the end user can verify the license by telephone.

(3) You may make a copy of the installation file or the installation media for your own personal use.

(4) You may distribute the installation file (as a download on a website, or part of a data carrier medium). (CD, DVD, BluRay, USB pen ))

(5) The license and usage period starts from the day the license was first delivered by e-mail.

(6) Annual licenses: The validity of an annual license begins with the order and delivery of the license by e-mail. The license to use the annual license ends exactly 365 days after the order date. The validity of the annual license and the right to use the software are not extended automatically. After this time, the software with this annual license may no longer be used. You must remove the license from the software or uninstall the software on all devices at the end of the 365 days. After this time the software and the license may not be used any further.

(7) Perpetual licenses: The validity of a permanent license begins with the order and delivery of the license by e-mail. You may use the acquired license for the current software version for an unlimited period of time. In addition to the current software version, a permanent license includes an additional 12 months of free updates to the purchased edition. Within these 12 months all appearing updates of the software may be installed and used free of charge. Any updates to the software that appear 365 calendar days after the date of order of the permanent license are not included in the permanent license.

(8) Permanent licenses with lifetime updates: The validity of a perpetual license with lifetime updates begins with the ordering and delivery of the license by email. You may use the acquired license for the current software version for an unlimited period of time. In addition to the current software version, the perpetual license with lifetime updates entitles you to use all future updates of the purchased software and edition. Licensor makes no promises or warranties about the frequency of updates, the functionality of updates, compatibility with specific platforms and operating systems, the number of updates, or how long updates will be made available for any software.

(9) Free use : The software released as free and freeware is licensed exclusively for non-commercial use by individuals. The use of free versions for industrial or commercial use is prohibited. An industrial or commercial use is when the usage behavior of the software is similar to that of such nature. We reserve the right to prohibit users from using free of charge if an industrial or commercial use is suspected. A free use of the software as freeware for private individuals and personal use is not permitted after the acquisition of the first license.

§3 Limitations

(1) A modification of the software is not permitted. Dekompilieren, disassemblieren, Reverse Engineering oder andere Verfahren, die zur Ermittlung des Quellcodes oder Komponenten derer führen oder ähnlich sind, dürfen auf die Software nicht angewandt werden. Also the software must not be bundled in a package with other software.

(2) The licensee is not entitled to rent, lend or sublicense the rights granted to him, either in whole or in part. The licensee is not entitled to transfer or sell the rights granted to him, in whole or in part, to third parties.

(3) The software may not be used in the architectural, construction, financial, medical, pharmaceutical, legal, legal, transportation and logistics, telecommunications and aerospace industries.

(4) All copyright notices must remain in all components of the software.

§4 Guarantees

(1) Alle Angaben zu Produkten, Waren und Diensten sind Beschreibungen und stellen keine Garantie dar. There is no entitlement to product support.

(2 ) As a Beta or Preview marked or declared versions of the program are serve only for testing. They have not been adequately tested by the developers and can contain program errors that can damage data, files, hard disks, or even hardware. These programs should therefore only be installed or executed in a suitable test environment. An use on production systems is not intended and not permitted. Any claim to warranty, granted licensing rights and liability will be void on infringement.

(3) The licensor accepts no obligation to provide product support for the software.

(4) The Licensor accepts no obligation to store the data, metadata or other information generated by the Software in connection with the use of the Software.

(5) Updates of the software can be published without downward compatibility. For further information on the backward compatibility of individual program versions, please refer to the respective product page.

(6) We reserve the right to revoke and deactivate published product versions.

(7) Unless otherwise agreed by contract, we give no guarantee for the further development of offered software products or other software components. The frequency of updates appearing is determined by the licensor alone. The licensor undertakes not to offer updates for offered software products.

§5 Obligations of the licensee

(1) You are obliged to test the software on your operation system before and after each use, so that the desired and expected success is achieved with the software. Before the first-time usage, you are required to create a backup of your system and all data.

(2) Read the associated manual completely before using the software and only use the usage described in the manual.

(3) Before use, provide a description of the complete system environment and request compatibility with the licensor.

(4) Licensee agrees to verify the suitability of the Software for its specific purposes based on the product description and to ensure compatibility with its system through detailed testing.

(5) Licensee agrees to verify that the Software is functional after each use, so that the Software has the desired and expected success. In addition, after each backup, the Licensee agrees to immediately verify the completeness, viability, integrity and recoverability of the backup archives, as well as the completeness and correctness of the data synchronization, and the receipt and existence of the required files, the success and completeness of a cloning process encryption and decryption, compression and decompression, by restoring the backup archives to a separate volume and checking for completeness.

(6) Die Installation und Konfiguration der Software müssen von fachmännischem IT-Personal durchgeführt werden.

(7) Software installation, configuration and maintenance services are supplementary services and are not included in this license agreement. For this purpose, a separate software maintenance contract can be concluded.

(8) The Licensor provides the installation files of the Software for 14 days from the date of purchase of the Software. During this time, the licensee must download the installation files of the software. During the period in which the licensee holds a right to use the software, the licensee undertakes to keep a copy of the installation files. If his right to use the software lapses, the licensee undertakes to permanently delete all copies of the installation files.

(9) Software updates provided and included in the contract must be regularly installed by the user or responsible administrator. A period of between one and four weeks is considered to be regular. We reserve the right to discontinue services and product support for older program versions, if a newer version of the program does not require or does not support these services.

(10) After each use and use of the software is to check on their functionality, so that the software has the desired and expected success. Furthermore, the Licensee, especially in the case of Advanced Backup Software, undertakes to immediately verify the integrity, functionality, integrity and recoverability of the backup archives for each backup, as well as the completeness and correct execution of the data synchronization and preservation and presence of the required files, the success and convince you of the completeness of a cloning operation, encryption and decryption, and compression and decompression, by restoring the backup archives to a separate volume and checking for completeness.

(11) Weekly backups of the data, by a suitable program of a third party, with which the software works.

(12) Weekly check of updates for this software.

§6 Duty to inspect and report

(1) They have the duty to immediately but at the latest within 5 days after receipt of the delivery of the products is free of defects and to examine the completeness and defect in a product that does not meet the the product description or in the event of deviations and lack without delay. For failure of the report, the software and the goods are deemed approved. Is it a hidden defects that at time of examination could not be detected, so you need to report of this immediately after become acquainted. Recourse claims according to §§ 437 ff., 478 BGB of the German Civil Code are excluded, if the product, the service or the goods are accepted.

§7 License transfer

In this License Agreement granted rights to use the software, the user may transfer exclusively as a whole to third parties, provided the user has received a written consent of the licensor. A prior authorization is omitted if the user ia a registered reseller. A reseller is obliged to transmit name and address of the buyer to the licensor after transaction.

§8 Breach of contract

The granted right of use expires immediately if the user breaches contained provisions of this license agreement. In this case, the user is no longer entitled to use the software. As compensation, the fees paid for the purchase of the software remain with the licensor.

§9 Liability

(1) The licensor excludes liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty violation of inessential contractual duties.

(2) The licensor is liable for damages caused deliberately or through grave negligence restricted to the purchase price paid for the use of the software.

(3 ) Furthermore, all claims for damages, especially due to lost profit, loss of use of failed expenses, benefits from delay or breach of duty as well as non-contractual claims for indirect damage and consequential damage are excluded.

(4 ) Possible damage claims are in addition restricted to the amount of foreseeable when the contract was concluded; Damage claims as a result of the implementation of the licensor was not foreseeable risks may not be claimed.

(5 ) Dropped. The legal liability due to culpable violation of life, body or health remains unaffected.

With the download, installation or use of this software, as well as the disclosure to third parties, you accept this license agreement.

Important note: Please read this End User License Agreement carefully and make sure that you have understood all the provisions before you accept the license agreement. Provided that you agree to all the terms of the license agreement, the owner and author Eduard Steinmiller (hereinafter referred to as "licensor") grants you (hereinafter referred to as "user") a right to use the software product (hereinafter referred to as "software") or services (hereinafter referred to as "services"). If you do not agree to all of these terms, please click in this case on a button to cancel the installation and do not use this software.

The Privacy Policy describes why, how and which data and information are gathered.


§1 Copyright

(1) The software is protected by law and intellectual property of the author. All components of the software, the documentation, as well as the design are protected by copyright laws. Except the listed rights, the contract grants no rights to the intellectual property of this software. The software and all copies are the property of the licensor. In particular, all files that are shipped with the software, as well as the structure and design.

(2) This software contains works of third parties, which are integrated as Free Open Source Software (FOSS) components. Third party open source software is subject to its own copyright and is licensed for use within that software. The individual license texts can be found in the manual, the online documentation and in the installation directory. If you are granted a right from the license of an open source software which you would like to exercise, please write us an email . Please indicate which open source component you are referring to and which right granted from the FOSS license you wish to exercise. Nutzen Sie die nachfolgende E-Mail-Adresse :

§2 Software license

Provided that you agree to the license agreement, the licensor grants you a non-exclusive and revocable right to install and use the software in an admissible number and in compliance with the license terms.

(1) The right to use a license in their scope may not be divided between different end user or be distributed separately. The use of the software may only be made on a maximum of the number of computer systems specified in the license. According to usage, the install of the software or the loading of binary files in the working memory, is understood.

(2) All transferred data for the software for product activation, as License Key or Product Key must not be communicated, disseminated, disclosed or distributed. On a computer, activated license once verified automatically via the Internet. If there is no internet connection, the end user can verify the license by telephone.

(3) You may make a copy of the installation file or the installation media for your own personal use.

(4) You may distribute the installation file (as a download on a website, or part of a data carrier medium). (CD, DVD, BluRay, USB pen ))

(5) The license and usage period starts from the day the license was first delivered by e-mail.

(6) Free use : The software released as free and freeware is licensed exclusively for non-commercial use by individuals. The use of free versions for industrial or commercial use is prohibited. An industrial or commercial use is when the usage behavior of the software is similar to that of such nature. We reserve the right to prohibit users from using free of charge if an industrial or commercial use is suspected. A free use of the software as freeware for private individuals and personal use is not permitted after the acquisition of the first license.

§3 Limitations

(1) A modification of the software is not permitted. Dekompilieren, disassemblieren, Reverse Engineering oder andere Verfahren, die zur Ermittlung des Quellcodes oder Komponenten derer führen oder ähnlich sind, dürfen auf die Software nicht angewandt werden. Also the software must not be bundled in a package with other software.

(2) The licensee is not entitled to rent, lend or sublicense the rights granted to him, either in whole or in part. The licensee is not entitled to transfer or sell the rights granted to him, in whole or in part, to third parties.

(3) All copyright notices must remain in all components of the software.

§4 Guarantees

(1) Alle Angaben zu Produkten, Waren und Diensten sind Beschreibungen und stellen keine Garantie dar. There is no entitlement to product support.

(2 ) As a Beta or Preview marked or declared versions of the program are serve only for testing. They have not been adequately tested by the developers and can contain program errors that can damage data, files, hard disks, or even hardware. These programs should therefore only be installed or executed in a suitable test environment. An use on production systems is not intended and not permitted. Any claim to warranty, granted licensing rights and liability will be void on infringement.

(3) The licensor accepts no obligation to provide product support for the software.

(4) The Licensor accepts no obligation to store the data, metadata or other information generated by the Software in connection with the use of the Software.

(5) Updates of the software can be published without downward compatibility. For further information on the backward compatibility of individual program versions, please refer to the respective product page.

(6) We reserve the right to revoke and deactivate published product versions.

(7) Unless otherwise agreed by contract, we give no guarantee for the further development of offered software products or other software components. The frequency of updates appearing is determined by the licensor alone. The licensor undertakes not to offer updates for offered software products.

§5 Obligations of the licensee

(1) You are obliged to test the software on your operation system before and after each use, so that the desired and expected success is achieved with the software. Before the first-time usage, you are required to create a backup of your system and all data.

(2) Read the associated manual completely before using the software and only use the usage described in the manual.

(3) Before use, provide a description of the complete system environment and request compatibility with the licensor.

(4) Licensee agrees to verify the suitability of the Software for its specific purposes based on the product description and to ensure compatibility with its system through detailed testing.

(5) Die Installation und Konfiguration der Software müssen von fachmännischem IT-Personal durchgeführt werden.

(6) Software installation, configuration and maintenance services are supplementary services and are not included in this license agreement. For this purpose, a separate software maintenance contract can be concluded.

(7) The Licensor provides the installation files of the Software for 14 days from the date of purchase of the Software. During this time, the licensee must download the installation files of the software. During the period in which the licensee holds a right to use the software, the licensee undertakes to keep a copy of the installation files. If his right to use the software lapses, the licensee undertakes to permanently delete all copies of the installation files.

(8) Software updates provided and included in the contract must be regularly installed by the user or responsible administrator. A period of between one and four weeks is considered to be regular. We reserve the right to discontinue services and product support for older program versions, if a newer version of the program does not require or does not support these services.

§6 Duty to inspect and report

(1) They have the duty to immediately but at the latest within 5 days after receipt of the delivery of the products is free of defects and to examine the completeness and defect in a product that does not meet the the product description or in the event of deviations and lack without delay. For failure of the report, the software and the goods are deemed approved. Is it a hidden defects that at time of examination could not be detected, so you need to report of this immediately after become acquainted. Recourse claims according to §§ 437 ff., 478 BGB of the German Civil Code are excluded, if the product, the service or the goods are accepted.

§7 License transfer

In this License Agreement granted rights to use the software, the user may transfer exclusively as a whole to third parties, provided the user has received a written consent of the licensor. A prior authorization is omitted if the user ia a registered reseller. A reseller is obliged to transmit name and address of the buyer to the licensor after transaction.

§8 Breach of contract

The granted right of use expires immediately if the user breaches contained provisions of this license agreement. In this case, the user is no longer entitled to use the software. As compensation, the fees paid for the purchase of the software remain with the licensor.

§9 Liability

(1) The licensor excludes liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty violation of inessential contractual duties.

(2) The licensor is liable for damages caused deliberately or through grave negligence restricted to the purchase price paid for the use of the software.

(3 ) Furthermore, all claims for damages, especially due to lost profit, loss of use of failed expenses, benefits from delay or breach of duty as well as non-contractual claims for indirect damage and consequential damage are excluded.

(4 ) Possible damage claims are in addition restricted to the amount of foreseeable when the contract was concluded; Damage claims as a result of the implementation of the licensor was not foreseeable risks may not be claimed.

(5 ) Dropped. The legal liability due to culpable violation of life, body or health remains unaffected.

With the download, installation or use of this software, as well as the disclosure to third parties, you accept this license agreement.

Important note: Please read this End User License Agreement carefully and make sure that you have understood all the provisions before you accept the license agreement. Provided that you agree to all the terms of the license agreement, the owner and author Eduard Steinmiller (hereinafter referred to as "licensor") grants you (hereinafter referred to as "user") a right to use the software product (hereinafter referred to as "software") or services (hereinafter referred to as "services"). If you do not agree to all of these terms, please click in this case on a button to cancel the installation and do not use this software.

The Privacy Policy describes why, how and which data and information are gathered.


§1 Your data

By using our Software and Services, your personal data will be collected, processed and transferred. We do not receive any ownership or right of use to your data. Your data will remain your property. You grant us the right, for the fulfilment of the function of our Software and Services, to collect, browse, transfer, share, cache, and process your data, in order to create previews, for example. Furthermore, you also allow us to encrypt your data and upload it to the cloud storage. The respective terms and conditions of the cloud storage services used apply to the storage and availability of your data. We can transfer this right to service-fulfilling and assigned subcontractors and partners with whom we work or whom we trust.

§2 Copyright

(1) The software is protected by law and intellectual property of the author. All components of the software, the documentation, as well as the design are protected by copyright laws. Except the listed rights, the contract grants no rights to the intellectual property of this software. The software and all copies are the property of the licensor. In particular, all files that are shipped with the software, as well as the structure and design.

(2) This software contains works of third parties, which are integrated as Free Open Source Software (FOSS) components. Third party open source software is subject to its own copyright and is licensed for use within that software. The individual license texts can be found in the manual, the online documentation and in the installation directory. If you are granted a right from the license of an open source software which you would like to exercise, please write us an email . Please indicate which open source component you are referring to and which right granted from the FOSS license you wish to exercise. Nutzen Sie die nachfolgende E-Mail-Adresse :

§3 Software license

Provided that you agree to the license agreement, the licensor grants you a non-exclusive and revocable right to install and use the software in an admissible number and in compliance with the license terms.

(1) The right to use a license in their scope may not be divided between different end user or be distributed separately. The use of the software may only be made on a maximum of the number of computer systems specified in the license. According to usage, the install of the software or the loading of binary files in the working memory, is understood.

(2) All transferred data for the software for product activation, as License Key or Product Key must not be communicated, disseminated, disclosed or distributed. On a computer, activated license once verified automatically via the Internet. If there is no internet connection, the end user can verify the license by telephone.

(3) You may make a copy of the installation file or the installation media for your own personal use.

(4) You may distribute the installation file (as a download on a website, or part of a data carrier medium). (CD, DVD, BluRay, USB pen ))

(5) You are entitled to install and use the software on as many computers as you like

(6) Free use : The software released as free and freeware is licensed exclusively for non-commercial use by individuals. The use of free versions for industrial or commercial use is prohibited. An industrial or commercial use is when the usage behavior of the software is similar to that of such nature. We reserve the right to prohibit users from using free of charge if an industrial or commercial use is suspected. A free use of the software as freeware for private individuals and personal use is not permitted after the acquisition of the first license.

§4 Limitations

(1) A modification of the software is not permitted. Dekompilieren, disassemblieren, Reverse Engineering oder andere Verfahren, die zur Ermittlung des Quellcodes oder Komponenten derer führen oder ähnlich sind, dürfen auf die Software nicht angewandt werden. Also the software must not be bundled in a package with other software.

(2) The licensee is not entitled to rent, lend or sublicense the rights granted to him, either in whole or in part. The licensee is not entitled to transfer or sell the rights granted to him, in whole or in part, to third parties.

(3) The software may not be used in the architectural, construction, financial, medical, pharmaceutical, legal, legal, transportation and logistics, telecommunications and aerospace industries.

(4) All copyright notices must remain in all components of the software.

(5) The storage space created and provided by the software may not be sold.

(6) The storage space generated and made available by the software may not be used for the storage or archiving of data that has a personal reference in accordance with GDPR Art-4 or falls under the definition of personal data.

§5 Free use

(1) User accounts : Users without a paid license are entitled to create a free user account.. Insofar as the user fulfils the prerequisites for free use, he/she may use the software free of charge, subject to the limitations described above. If the user exceeds the specified limits or if the requirements for a free user account no longer apply, the free use of the user account can be withdrawn.. The user will be notified that he/she must now purchase a paid license.

(2) Period of use : The free user account includes a right of use for an unlimited period of time as long as the specified limits and prerequisites are met and the provisions of the contract have been complied with. If the user does not use the software or created user account for a period of 180 days, the user account and all cached data can be deleted..

§6 Termination of use

You may at any time stop the use of our Software and Services. We reserve the right to deactivate or to delete accounts of users which have not been used for at least 12 consecutive months and have not booked any fee-based services. We reserve the right to deactivate or delete accounts of users who do not comply with these Terms or by their actions an additional liability risk arises for us. We will notify you 14 days prior to the deactivation or deletion of your account, unless a serious or urgent reason exists or is prohibited by law.

§7 Guarantees

(1) Alle Angaben zu Produkten, Waren und Diensten sind Beschreibungen und stellen keine Garantie dar. There is no entitlement to product support.

(2 ) As a Beta or Preview marked or declared versions of the program are serve only for testing. They have not been adequately tested by the developers and can contain program errors that can damage data, files, hard disks, or even hardware. These programs should therefore only be installed or executed in a suitable test environment. An use on production systems is not intended and not permitted. Any claim to warranty, granted licensing rights and liability will be void on infringement.

(3) The licensor accepts no obligation to provide product support for the software.

(4) The Licensor accepts no obligation to store the data, metadata or other information generated by the Software in connection with the use of the Software.

(5) Updates of the software can be published without downward compatibility. For further information on the backward compatibility of individual program versions, please refer to the respective product page.

(6) We reserve the right to revoke and deactivate published product versions.

(7) Unless otherwise agreed by contract, we give no guarantee for the further development of offered software products or other software components. The frequency of updates appearing is determined by the licensor alone. The licensor undertakes not to offer updates for offered software products.

(8) Unless agreed separately, we do not guarantee the availability of our Services. Service Level Agreements shall be agreed in a separate contract..

§8 Obligations of the licensee

(1) You are obliged to test the software on your operation system before and after each use, so that the desired and expected success is achieved with the software. Before the first-time usage, you are required to create a backup of your system and all data.

(2) Read the associated manual completely before using the software and only use the usage described in the manual.

(3) Before use, provide a description of the complete system environment and request compatibility with the licensor.

(4) Licensee agrees to verify the suitability of the Software for its specific purposes based on the product description and to ensure compatibility with its system through detailed testing.

(5) Die Installation und Konfiguration der Software müssen von fachmännischem IT-Personal durchgeführt werden.

(6) Software installation, configuration and maintenance services are supplementary services and are not included in this license agreement. For this purpose, a separate software maintenance contract can be concluded.

(7) The Licensor provides the installation files of the Software for 14 days from the date of purchase of the Software. During this time, the licensee must download the installation files of the software. During the period in which the licensee holds a right to use the software, the licensee undertakes to keep a copy of the installation files. If his right to use the software lapses, the licensee undertakes to permanently delete all copies of the installation files.

(8) Cloudevo is software for encrypted synchronization of files between different devices. Therefore, you are obliged to make a local copy of every file that you synchronize using the software and keep it safe.

(9) When logging on to our service, you create an account with a password. The security of your data depends on your chosen password. The user is responsible for possible attacks on encrypted data resulting from weak passwords. The user also undertakes to keep his password secret from third parties and not to disclose on any other person. A restore or reset of the password or account is not supported.

(10) Ein Konto eines Cloud-Speicherdienstleisters darf nur in einem Cloudevo Benutzerkonto hinzugefügt werden, um die Integrität der Daten zu gewährleisten.

(11) Software updates provided and included in the contract must be regularly installed by the user or responsible administrator. A period of between one and four weeks is considered to be regular. We reserve the right to discontinue services and product support for older program versions, if a newer version of the program does not require or does not support these services.

§9 Technical product support

The licensor enters no obligation towards the user to product support, maintenance, upgrade or support of the software.

§10 Liability

(1) The licensor excludes the liability if, by using the Software or Services, you are excluded from services of your cloud storage provider.

(1) The licensor excludes liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty violation of inessential contractual duties.

(2) The licensor is liable for damages caused deliberately or through grave negligence restricted to the purchase price paid for the use of the software.

(3 ) Furthermore, all claims for damages, especially due to lost profit, loss of use of failed expenses, benefits from delay or breach of duty as well as non-contractual claims for indirect damage and consequential damage are excluded.

(4 ) Possible damage claims are in addition restricted to the amount of foreseeable when the contract was concluded; Damage claims as a result of the implementation of the licensor was not foreseeable risks may not be claimed.

(5 ) Dropped. The legal liability due to culpable violation of life, body or health remains unaffected.

With the download, installation or use of this software, as well as the disclosure to third parties, you accept this license agreement.

Important note: Please read this End User License Agreement carefully and make sure that you have understood all the provisions before you accept the license agreement. Provided that you agree to all the terms of the license agreement, the owner and author Eduard Steinmiller (hereinafter referred to as "licensor") grants you (hereinafter referred to as "user") a right to use the software product (hereinafter referred to as "software") or services (hereinafter referred to as "services"). If you do not agree to all of these terms, please click in this case on a button to cancel the installation and do not use this software.

The Privacy Policy describes why, how and which data and information are gathered.


§1 Copyright

(1) The software is protected by law and intellectual property of the author. All components of the software, the documentation, as well as the design are protected by copyright laws. Except the listed rights, the contract grants no rights to the intellectual property of this software. The software and all copies are the property of the licensor. In particular, all files that are shipped with the software, as well as the structure and design.

(2) This software contains works of third parties, which are integrated as Free Open Source Software (FOSS) components. Third party open source software is subject to its own copyright and is licensed for use within that software. The individual license texts can be found in the manual, the online documentation and in the installation directory. If you are granted a right from the license of an open source software which you would like to exercise, please write us an email . Please indicate which open source component you are referring to and which right granted from the FOSS license you wish to exercise. Nutzen Sie die nachfolgende E-Mail-Adresse :

§2 Software license

Provided that you agree to the license agreement, the licensor grants you a non-exclusive and revocable right to install and use the software in an admissible number and in compliance with the license terms.

(1) The right to use a license in their scope may not be divided between different end user or be distributed separately. The use of the software may only be made on a maximum of the number of computer systems specified in the license. According to usage, the install of the software or the loading of binary files in the working memory, is understood.

(2) All transferred data for the software for product activation, as License Key or Product Key must not be communicated, disseminated, disclosed or distributed. On a computer, activated license once verified automatically via the Internet. If there is no internet connection, the end user can verify the license by telephone.

(3) You may make a copy of the installation file or the installation media for your own personal use.

(4) You may distribute the installation file (as a download on a website, or part of a data carrier medium). (CD, DVD, BluRay, USB pen ))

(5) You are entitled to install and use the software on as many computers as you like

(6) Free use : The software released as free and freeware is licensed exclusively for non-commercial use by individuals. The use of free versions for industrial or commercial use is prohibited. An industrial or commercial use is when the usage behavior of the software is similar to that of such nature. We reserve the right to prohibit users from using free of charge if an industrial or commercial use is suspected. A free use of the software as freeware for private individuals and personal use is not permitted after the acquisition of the first license.

§3 Limitations

(1) A modification of the software is not permitted. Dekompilieren, disassemblieren, Reverse Engineering oder andere Verfahren, die zur Ermittlung des Quellcodes oder Komponenten derer führen oder ähnlich sind, dürfen auf die Software nicht angewandt werden. Also the software must not be bundled in a package with other software.

(2) The licensee is not entitled to rent, lend or sublicense the rights granted to him, either in whole or in part. The licensee is not entitled to transfer or sell the rights granted to him, in whole or in part, to third parties.

(3) All copyright notices must remain in all components of the software.

(4) The software may not be operated on the operating system Microsoft Windows Server.

§4 Guarantees

(1) Alle Angaben zu Produkten, Waren und Diensten sind Beschreibungen und stellen keine Garantie dar. There is no entitlement to product support.

(2 ) As a Beta or Preview marked or declared versions of the program are serve only for testing. They have not been adequately tested by the developers and can contain program errors that can damage data, files, hard disks, or even hardware. These programs should therefore only be installed or executed in a suitable test environment. An use on production systems is not intended and not permitted. Any claim to warranty, granted licensing rights and liability will be void on infringement.

(3) The licensor accepts no obligation to provide product support for the software.

(4) The Licensor accepts no obligation to store the data, metadata or other information generated by the Software in connection with the use of the Software.

(5) Updates of the software can be published without downward compatibility. For further information on the backward compatibility of individual program versions, please refer to the respective product page.

(6) We reserve the right to revoke and deactivate published product versions.

(7) Unless otherwise agreed by contract, we give no guarantee for the further development of offered software products or other software components. The frequency of updates appearing is determined by the licensor alone. The licensor undertakes not to offer updates for offered software products.

§5 Obligations of the licensee

(1) You are obliged to test the software on your operation system before and after each use, so that the desired and expected success is achieved with the software. Before the first-time usage, you are required to create a backup of your system and all data.

(2) Read the associated manual completely before using the software and only use the usage described in the manual.

(3) Before use, provide a description of the complete system environment and request compatibility with the licensor.

(4) Licensee agrees to verify the suitability of the Software for its specific purposes based on the product description and to ensure compatibility with its system through detailed testing.

(5) Die Installation und Konfiguration der Software müssen von fachmännischem IT-Personal durchgeführt werden.

(6) Software installation, configuration and maintenance services are supplementary services and are not included in this license agreement. For this purpose, a separate software maintenance contract can be concluded.

(7) The Licensor provides the installation files of the Software for 14 days from the date of purchase of the Software. During this time, the licensee must download the installation files of the software. During the period in which the licensee holds a right to use the software, the licensee undertakes to keep a copy of the installation files. If his right to use the software lapses, the licensee undertakes to permanently delete all copies of the installation files.

(8) Software updates provided and included in the contract must be regularly installed by the user or responsible administrator. A period of between one and four weeks is considered to be regular. We reserve the right to discontinue services and product support for older program versions, if a newer version of the program does not require or does not support these services.

§6 Technical product support

The licensor enters no obligation towards the user to product support, maintenance, upgrade or support of the software.

§7 Liability

(1) The licensor excludes liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty violation of inessential contractual duties.

(2) The licensor is liable for damages caused deliberately or through grave negligence restricted to the purchase price paid for the use of the software.

(3 ) Furthermore, all claims for damages, especially due to lost profit, loss of use of failed expenses, benefits from delay or breach of duty as well as non-contractual claims for indirect damage and consequential damage are excluded.

(4 ) Possible damage claims are in addition restricted to the amount of foreseeable when the contract was concluded; Damage claims as a result of the implementation of the licensor was not foreseeable risks may not be claimed.

(5 ) Dropped. The legal liability due to culpable violation of life, body or health remains unaffected.

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