Free Firewall Community

Suggestion - In Applications, show the user the number of obsolete entries being removed or show the actual entries themselves Forum

Last modification : 20.05.2020 Suggestion - In Applications, show the user the number of obsolete entries being removed or show the actual entries themselves  
Version: 2.5.4

In Applications, when the user choose Action > Remove Obsolete Entries, a confirmation popup appears that entries have been removed.

- How many were removed?
- Which entries were removed?

The total number of applications is not listed anywhere. The user has to count them manually. When the Action is selected, the user now has to go through the list and determine the delta themselves.

A suggestion would be to gray-shade the entire application entry to show the user which applications will be removed. Perhaps add a function to allow the user to not have that entry deleted. Similar to an online shopping cart, the entries would slide right or left and an X or Remove or Trashcan would appear. A notification at the top or the bottom would say something like "35 obsolete entries will be deleted. If you do NOT want certain apps to be deleted, UNCHECK them. When you are ready, click on the REMOVE button." As the user unchecks their entries, the count will updated. When the user finally clicks on REMOVE, then 30 entries that were originally marked, will be deleted permanently.
Evorim Support
Dear user of Free Firewall,

thank you for your suggestion.
This feature is planned.

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