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Free Firewall Now Does Not Start with Windows 7 64 Boot up Forum

Last modification : 30.08.2019 Free Firewall Now Does Not Start with Windows 7 64 Boot up  


FF does not start up with every Windows 7 64 boot up. I did use another posters fix in the Registry to get it to start by creating a new string value & naming it Evorim in the Registry.

However, now with every boot up the FF window pops instead of being minimized to the task bar as it was previously doing. I also noticed there is there is NO shortcut under the START button in the lower right under All Programs. Evorim is listed there but there is no
shortcut under this. Consequently, I cannot use the Minimize command there to start FF up without the FF window popping up.

Are you aware of this? Any fix for this?

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