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Cloudevo Community

Storage calculation seams random Forum

Last modification : 01.11.2019 Storage calculation seams random  

Hi there at Cloudevo,
I have a filesize or rather storage size issue.

My Cloudevo folder, on my computer, has the size of 15,1 GB.
Cloudevo however has calculated that I use 54 GB of my 124 GB online storage.

Now I was getting an error message that I was not able to backup a zip file which has the size of 51 MB.......

I did use RAID, but have disabled it now, but even then it looks like something is really not adding up. Is this a know issue?

Evorim Support
Dear user of Cloudevo,

Cloudevo shows online storage occupation not only the files of Cloudevo, but also includes files that not belong to Cloudevo to show user that the available storage is running low.

Evorim Support
I am also facing the storage size issue. I have added my Google G suit drive with unlimited storage to clouddrive. I have already used 1.5 tb space on this gsuit drive previous to downloading this software on my laptop. Then I uploaded 100 gb data on clouddrive successfully. but now it does not allow me to upload more data there. and sending me low disc space notification with an advice to add more cloud accounts. It is not able to calculate the unlimited storage space of this drive. Please find a solution so that I can be able to use your cloudevo successfully.
it is more than one month of my above request posted here and sent to your support section,but received niether any reply from you nor the solution of the problem. moreover I am not able to use your app in useful manner, because niether your desktop app nor your android app is able to enable me share the files or play the songs or view the photos on android so far. Your concept is unique but not useful for the user so far. I just wanted to buy license but your support is also not there. Hence I will have to drop the idea of using your this app.

Thanks and regards.
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