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Cloudevo Community

Does Cloudevo really work? Forum

Last modification : 05.11.2020 Does Cloudevo really work?  
I just started using Cloud Storage and saw the great idea of making multiple Cloud Services into one big chunk, just like RAID. At first, I started digging some information about Cloudevo, but didn"t find anything that would make this service my final choice of Cloud RAID. Can you help me find some proof this actually does work?
In my opinion, looks that yes, but for me only on one computer. And what about when I have to reinstall OS or something, I thing that I lost everything. And support is awful. It is a pity. On the paper is cloudevo great application.
Acharis, I think you might be wrong about the OS reinstall. Because your user and password serve as a key for cloud encryption, you just have to login with them on any computer at any time, add the clouds you were previously using and your data should be there
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