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Blog Evorim

Umwandlung von Evorim

Admin - 2020-03-01

Das Unternehmen Evorim GmbH befindet sich in einem Umwandlungsprozess. Die Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung wird umgewandelt in ein Einzelunternehmen. Damit einhergehend wird der Unternehmensname umbenannt von Evorim GmbH in Evorim Software.

Was passiert mit der Software?

Die veröffentlichten Softwareprodukte auf der Webseite www.evorim.com werden weiterhin angeboten. Alle geistigen Eigentumsrechte, die zuvor bei der Evorim GmbH waren, gehen an das Unternehmen Evorim Software. Der Verkauf und Vertrieb der Softwareprodukte geschieht ab dem 01. März 2020 auf den Namen des Unternehmens Evorim Software. Gleichzeitig übernimmt das Unternehmen Evorim Software die Produktunterstützung und Beratung für die Kunden ab 01. März 2020. Alle Kunden vor dem 01.03.2020 erhalten weiterhin Produktunterstützung von der Evorim GmbH bis zum 31.03.2021.

Weitere Entwicklung

Die beworbene Software wird schrittweise weiterentwickelt. Die einzelnen Produktseiten zeigen die weitere Entwicklung auf.

False Positive: Avira reports malware

Admin - 2020-02-02

As some users of Advanced Backup have already noticed, the current version of the Avira Security Suite software reports our Advanced Backup software as malware. Specifically, the backup software is identified as being slightly harmful using an Avira heuristic procedure. This affects version 6.1.1

Software: Advanced Backup

This warning message is a clear false positive. This means that the antivirus software made a mistake here and incorrectly recognizes the unknown software as malicious. There can be many reasons for such false positives.

In the case of Advanced Backup, it is a backup software that accesses files and reads them out for the user and then backs them up to another position or synchronizes them. Antivirus software does not seem to like such frequent access and is therefore rated negatively. In addition, the Advanced Backup software has a background service that is in continuous operation and is responsible for starting the individual backup tasks. The antivirus software seems to rate all of these processes negatively.

The fact is that the Advanced Backup software is completely free of any malware. The company's goal is to provide outstanding software and the best possible services for our customers and users. All software published on Evorim is regularly checked by various antivirus software. Any user can create an overview of the results at any time. For this we refer to the online services of VirusTotal, where you can upload our software and then it is subsequently checked by up to 70 different antivirus software at the same time. The results of these tests are always negative, as every user can check for themselves.

In the current version 6.1.2, no warning message appears from the antivirus software. All affected users can update to the latest version.

New Evorim blog

Admin - 2020-02-01

Welcome to the new Evorim blog. In the future, in addition to news about the company, this new blog will also contain guides, instructions and other interesting and worthwhile articles about software. The aim of this blog is to inform users and customers about developments and news and to help them use our software. We regularly keep inquiries about the implementation progress of our software and individual functions. Since we cannot advise every single user individually, we want to use this blog to provide general information and instructions for our users.

The individual articles that appear here are grouped into different categories. The articles are grouped according to the menu items listed on the main page of the blog.

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